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Risk to Hummers from the Praying Mantis - Read Warning First!

I try to keep the emphasis here on the positive and joyful. But, a friend and fellow eBay seller, Grandma Darlene, sent me a link to a difficult and gruesome story to read. However, because in many areas the praying mantis is a common insect, I felt I had to pass this on. WARNING - if there are never praying mantises near you, I would avoid reading this story. But, these insects pose a very real risk to our dear little visitors if they are present in your region. You can also skip checking this link and just try to keep them as far away as possible from any feeders you may have. Well, now that you have all the warnings...if you want to read about this the link is here:


New User with a Wonderful Job!

I just learned that one of my newest customers, from the Atlanta, GA area, has a really great job - bird rehabilitator. Most of the patients come from a local wildlife facility or an emergency vetinary clinic. The picture below is of one of the newest charges - a baby hummer. I am hopeful that we may get further updates in the future relating to this wonderful work. After a slow start, this hummer is active and flying around happily at about 1/2 of adult size...

Hummer News – Vol. 13 – September 2010

That time of year...


I did everything I could to avoid the inevitable – I turned all the calendars, that faced outside windows, around in the hopes my daily visitors would miss the turn from August to September and freshened every nectar tube every day…Nonetheless, in the course of about five days or so after I last wrote about the most copious visits ever, all the activity here has dwindled to a very low rate. In addition, just like LuvHummers observed on the blog, the incredible numbers of yellow jackets just plain disappeared. I know my visitors need to leave each year to be safe and be able to return next year and I also know that for a while, I will have a lot of vagabonds on their way home from farther north. It’s not over for quite a few weeks yet here, but I start to envy those of you who have the year round seasons. But, I suppose having something to look forward to through the long cold winter. Hurricane Earl is due around here later tonight, but should only be a category one hurricane or possibly just a tropical storm by the time it arrives.

The hummers that are still around are enjoying lots of hibiscus blooms, as well as a couple of fully blossomed butterfly bushes. So, it is a quieter time now and I guess that’s not bad either as we settle into the last weeks of astronomical summer, even as the Labor Day weekend signals the return to schools and offices for many. I hope you all enjoy a safe, peaceful and fun weekend, as we enter this time of transition.

Blog invitation…

Please remember you are always welcome here at the blog as a reader, commenter or full-privileged contributor. I will be happy to invite you as a contributor if you just send me an email so I know you are interested.

Soak in our late summer Hummer experiences!!

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