I was very impressed to hear about the efforts of one of my customers in working to attract her hummers to a feeder on the balcony of her townhouse. After rules kept her from hanging her traditional hummingbird feeder, she ordered a Hummer Foto Feeder™ to attach to the balcony window. However getting the birds to notice the feeder in that recessed location was not exactly straight forward. After exchanging some emails with tips, I was very happy to recently receive the following email and photos, which I am posting here with permission...
"I finally write you with good news about the hummers!!! After being unsuccessful getting any hummers to come to the feeder for months (tried everything) I finally have a neighborhood of hummers hanging out on my balcony! (I could no longer hang my feeder on my balcony- so I had attached the feeder on my balcony glass door- but to no avail. ) I had seen a couple of hummers so I knew they were there. I had even tied bright red ribbons to my ficus tree (as well as getting a red geranium plant by the edge of the balcony) to lead the way. They had approached the ribbon bunch but left when they realized it was an imposter. SO! I had to get creative. I wrapped the end of the copper wire of your feeder to a branch on my ficus tree and made sure the feeder was adorned with the ribbon bunch they seemed to like as well. I put it on a branch higher up and away from my balcony. It worked!! The hummers started to come. I then figured out a way to hang my large hummer feeder from the inside of my balcony railing so one of the main feeders is right out in the open. It's like my place is a hummer restaurant now! In Los Angeles, it seems the hummers are still out (it's even been really warm here lately like summer- crazy weather). I can hear them twittering all the time and they are constantly approaching my feeders. I know there are different birds from the amazing variety of colors and markings. I have to take a picture for you when I get a chance. I have been having to fill up your feeder every day now!!! My cats are very excited- such good viewing!
Anyways- I am so happy to finally be able to see these beautiful birds!
Thanks for all of your support!"
following are pictures taken on this unique set-up:
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