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Bees and Wasps!

It is now the height of hummer around my area and unfortunately the bees and wasps are keeping my babies away. So I decided to move the main pole with my hummers favorites feeders and about 15 feet away put a huge hanging bowl of the sugar mixture open and all the bees and wasps have gone there for the free for all leaving the feeders alone for now. I will update in about a week to let you know how this works. As for the yellow jacket traps, save your money the bowl trick seems to work better. Let me know if any of you have other ideas.
The bowl of yellow jacket nectar...


  1. Yep! It's yellow jacket and wasp season around here in the Pacific Northwest, too! I purchased and used the wasp trap last year to great success - this year tho, I think it's because it's taken longer for the heat to hit us, so my wasp trap hasn't worked as well. So I think I'll give your sugar bowl a try, as the wasps are keeping my hummers away from their feeders too!
    I'll let you know what happens....
    Rob Ladely
    Bremerton, WA

  2. Hi everyone, The nectar bowl away from the feeders are keeping the swarms down quite a bit. My yellow jacket and wasp trap is not working as well as the nectar bowl. My thoughts are the bowl is open so they drink and don't hang out like they do at feeders with their heads in ports, it is 'open bar' so to speak LOL. Everyone leaves happy and hummers get to drink. Rob keep me posted if it works for you, but place it about 10-15 feet away from the feeders. Happy Humming!

  3. I am going to try this approach this week and will let everyone know how I make out...

  4. One more note, my husband bought one of those reusable wasp and bee traps,,,,well the stuff they give you to fill it with does not attact them..................SO I dumped the stuff they gave me and filled it guessed it NECTAR and they are filling it up faster than I am typing this and the hummers can't get in it so all is well!

  5. OK, I am back here to report that in 48 hours both of your ideas are working in my yard, LuvHummers! I didn't even have to move any feeder farther away from the open nectar reservoir than about five feet. I also filled a yellow jacket trap bait holding containers with nectar and sprinkled more all over the outside of the traps. Just like you said, they are filling up faster than ever when I place them adjacent to the open reservoir.

    Now, the hummers can hover or perch in a relaxed way, without having to jerk away a dozen times with each yellow jacket intrusion at the nectar tubes. I now have virtually no flying pests at my feeders. I will update if anything changes but, right now I am thrilled with this approach. Thanks to you and your husband!!

  6. Hi everyone it has been a week now with my decoy idea and I emptied the trap and there was at least 300 yellow jackets and quite a few wasps. No bumble bees which is a good thing. The hummers are not being bothered except for maybe a few stray pests but so far so good. Update me if it works for you.

  7. 300 yellow jackets!!! That is really a lot - I am happy to say my problem is no where near as acute as yours!!

  8. You have no idea how many yellow jackets we had, I believe there is a nest nearby but cannot find there are not as many in trap, maybe it was a fluke but there are not bothering hummers and that makes all the difference in the world!

  9. Hi everyone, it is now Sept. 2nd 2010 and I am seeing a bit of a drop in hummer activity. Seems about a week or so ago, they were everywhere and I could not fill my feeders fast, they are staying full a lot longer. :O( Also ironically, the trap for bees is not as full either....Are the hummers headed south already and now I have less activity? As much as my heart leaps at the first sighting of the season, it drops just as fast when I know I have to say goodbye to my winged jewels. I keep feeders up until late October just in case! Let me know how you are all doing.

  10. exactly the same thing happened you will read in my latest Hummer News edition...
