Hummer Foto Feeder™

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New Hummer Feeders

Hi folks,
Not long ago, I purchased some of John's hummer feeder refills. Once they arrived, I decided to go ahead and use some 12 gauge copper wire I had from another project and "wire a couple of them up".
Taken from the outside
The photos you see here are the result. I decided to put them on our kitchen window to see how soon they discover them.
Looking out the kitchen window!
I'm hoping the hummers around here decide they like them as much or better than the old feeders they've been use to:

As the hummers find these and start to drink from them, I'll post some of the photos I get of them.
'Til then, I hope you have a chance to enjoy your own wonderous hummers!


1 comment:

  1. nice job of wire-work Rob! Look forward to shots after your hummers find the nectar...
